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Hypertext for PR <sum05 1 4>
Hyper-buzzword Hypertext is the current buzz word, now serving the
============== same linguistic needs as those hot yesteryear concepts:
integrated, expert system <link64> and AI.
Like these earlier concepts, hypertext can mean anything
you want it to mean. This is especially true when
software developers claim that their word processor,
database, document index, outline, or graphics program
contains hypertext capabilities. <link19>
However . . . If you put information into a hypertext format, people
============= will now look at it, not just for the value of the
information, but because of interest in the format.
Action Steps Put whatever information you have (PR-releases,
============ a personal resume, your research, lecture notes, sales
literature) in this format. Put your hypertext
material up on the bulletin boards. You'll receive
wide readership and word-of-mouth recognition.
The medium is Regardless of your message, your readers really control
the message the receipt of the message. Therefore, give this
-- M. McLuhan contemporary format that lets readers choose and control
exactly what they read. <link04>
Is this bad? Heck no! Rather than passive readership on linear
============ material, hypertext encourages readers to make choices,
explore, and peruse their particular interests.
The results? The hypertext format lets readers become active
============ decision-makers about what they read. Passive readers
are led into unexpected commitments towards the
information presented.
However Cynics might described hypertext as the ultimate "hidden
======= persuader" or "subliminal message." Why?
They would say hypertext is reminiscent of Orwell's
"1984." That is because access to all information is
pre-wired by the developer <link60> so users don't have
to think.
Curious? For examples of good hypertext, download HYPER.ARC or
======== AIDS.ARC from our BBS (415) 540-6114.